Thursday, December 18, 2008


Can you believe it? We're at the one-week countdown until Christmas! So, this week I'm going to try to feature stocking stuffers that you can still get in time for Christmas, hopefully without spending 4x as much on shipping as you did on the actual item! So, the items need to still be available via standard shipping, or easily obtainable in person.

Such as this Bananagrams game. It's priced a wee bit higher than is ideal for stocking stuffers, but it does look like fun. It seems to be sort of a free-form Scrabble: instead of a board, players create individual crosswords while trying to use all their tiles. I found this first at the Bas Bleu website, but it can be found all over the place, including Amazon and those game kiosks they set up in the malls at Christmas time. Although I would definitely consider this for kids (fun + educational), it would be appropriate for word lovers of any age. It could also be that fun gift that peeks out of the top of the stocking.

What: Bananagrams
Where: Bas Bleu, Amazon, or game stores
How much (as of today's post): $14.95 to $16.95

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