Thursday, April 8, 2010

Soap Rocks

My husband is a planetary scientist, so we have a fair number of rocks around the house, some of which are very pretty. Years ago he went to Herkimer, New York for a day, where you're allowed to go into some "mines" and bring out any Herkimer "diamonds" (actually "double-terminated quartz crystals") that you find. My husband found me one still embedded in a large chunk of gray rock, which is one of the few things I took with me when we evacuated for Hurricanes Rita and Ike. But I digress....

In any case, I happened to come across these "soap rocks" on the Signals website, and I love how much they really do look like beautiful rock specimens! The product description says they're made from all-natural ingredients, and weigh 6-8 ounces. The choices are "Amethyst" (with a Cucumber Ylang Garden fragrance), "Agate" (Cool and Fresh fragrance), or "Black Onyx" (Cool Mist fragrance).

For a lovely paired gift, you might also consider the 4 by 3 inch sandstone soap dish. (*As always, be careful putting anything scented in a Christmas stocking if you also have chocolate in there -- chocolate picks up smells and tastes!)

What: Soap Rocks
How much (as of today's post): $12.95 soap / 9.95 dish (plus shipping)

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