Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pecan Pumpkin Butter

We've finally had a few days of cooler weather -- for the first time since about last March, I was able to (gasp!) turn off the air conditioning and open the windows! I love autumn, and I miss having a real one here in Houston. But I'll count my blessings for any day under 80 degrees.

Today's Wednesday food stocking stuffer seems very autumn-like, and very appropriate for Halloween: Muirhead pecan pumpkin butter from Williams-Sonoma. One 13.5 ounce jar makes a 9 inch pumpkin pecan pie, or if you prefer you can use it as a spread on quickbreads and muffins. For pie, you just blend with eggs and cream -- the spices are already there.

Mmmmm..... I can smell the pie baking already!

What: Pecan Pumpkin Butter
Where: Williams-Sonoma website or stores
How much (as of today's post): $9.95

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