Friday, September 11, 2009

Ravi Instant Wine Chiller

Once again it's "luxury Friday", the one day I week I feature stocking stuffers that cost more than $20. (For the record, as of today, or not quite a year of posting a stocking stuffer every day, I've posted 69 items in the under $5 category, 93 under $10, 48 under $15, and 23 under $20, plus the 47 weekly "luxury Friday" items.)

In any case, today's item definitely is a luxury, both in price and in function. It's a Ravi Instant Wine Chiller, which is a little metal device you store in the freezer and then use to pour an unchilled bottle of wine, so that it chills within seconds as you pour it. I've been thinking about posting this item for a while, but kept coming back to the thought that "well, you can just keep wine in the fridge, after all!" And then last night, I had just poured myself the tiny bit of Chardonnay left in the fridge when I realized the new bottle wasn't chilled yet. Sigh.... So I guess this Ravi chiller might be nice to have in the freezer for those moments when you get caught off guard, or if you're having a large party and there's no way to fit all the wine in the fridge. Which means this would also make an elegant and generous stocking stuffer (or gift basket item) for a wine connoisseur or a frequent entertainer.

For what it's worth, the two customer reviewers on Amazon both give this five stars. The list price is $49.95, but Amazon has it for $38.31 as of this writing. Happy pouring!

What: Ravi Instant Wine Chiller
Where: Amazon or elsewhere
How much (as of today's post): $38.31 (plus shipping)

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