You'd think that since I've been posting about stocking stuffers every single day since the beginning of November, my husband couldn't possibly surprise me in terms of my stocking contents! But I'm lucky to have the rare type of husband who enjoys stockings as much as I do, and I love what he gave me:
- A miniature white teddy bear peeking out the top
- Five Godiva orange cream chocolates
- A gift card to Borders
- A gift card to Half Price Books (I don't know exactly how widespread this chain is, but I know it's in several states. They have new, used, and remaindered books, DVDs, and stationery items. Plus they'll buy your second-hand books. I love them!)
- Two lollipops
- A tin of mints
- A miniature calendar from Japan, with the most adorable kittens
- A pair of tights
- A pair of fingerless gloves
- A Harry Potter chocolate frog
- And possibly my favorite item, which is embarrassing to admit since I'm ostensibly a grown-up: a Harry Potter miniature sorting hat, with a Magic-8 Ball-like device that shows you which Hogwarts house you're in when you turn over the hat. Oh, and there's a little book of stickers as well. I am such a nerd!
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