- G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra sleep shorts, size M, in a sealed gift tin.
- An Air Force One DVD, starring Harrison Ford and Glenn Close.
- A collection of five milk chocolate Lindt polar bears (1.7 oz total).
- A Trivial Pursuit scratch-off trivia game.
- A "Taste of Wine" boxed card set, with 40 information cards filled with information on various wines.
- A red & white hearts boxer shorts gift box, suitable for a gift card, a love message, or small candies.
- A $10 Target giftcard.
As with my last giveaway, all items are new and unopened, and the candy is fresh -- no leftovers from last year, I promise! Also as with my last giveaway, due to shipping and customs issues, this giveaway is for U.S. residents only. (My apologies to readers outside the U.S.)
To enter this week's giveaway, please leave a comment on this post telling me if you are staying home or traveling this Christmas.
Additional optional entries are available by: 1) becoming a follower OR already being a follower; 2) subscribing via an RSS Reader (such as Google Reader) OR already being a subscriber; and 3) posting a note anywhere on your blog (including sidebar) about this giveaway. If any of these options apply to you, please leave me another comment letting me know.
Because I was late posting this today, I'm running the entry period an extra day through Saturday November 28, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. based on the timestamp shown by the comments. I will draw a random winner on Sunday and get in touch with the winner for his or her address. Good luck!
We are staying home for Christmas. My husband's family lives across the country, but we are going to visit next summer instead of for the holidays because I am due with our second child in March. :)
We always stay home for christmas. It's something I started back when Sissy was a baby, but we normally have a family get together before hand.
great 'mans' gifts, totally understand about the customs thing...hope your having a fabulous Thanksgiving
Mina xxx
please dont worry about not posting here...I love your site, I adore gadgets and little things like these and your blog is like a goodie shop so nothing would stop me stalking it...It really dosent bother me at all...keep up your excellent work girl lol
Mina xxx
We are going to be having our first Christmas in our home. Finally!
staying home, as always. i don't mind though...we make it festive enough!
thanks for this xx
i subscribed!
We are stying home for once! This will be so awesome!
I think we'll be doing both, but Christmas Day we might be in Morocco.
We are staying home, having our own little Christmas. For many years I either worked every Christmas or before that we drove truck and were always gone so now with my son we've been home and will stay here.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I'm staying home for Christmas, because my two men -- my wonderful sons -- are coming to be with me! It would be fun to win the SS for them.
I subscribe to your feed in NetNewsWire, which syncs with Google Reader. Thanks for all your great suggestions.
We are staying home for Christmas! Thanks for a great giveaway!
We are staying home this year. Our families are coming out to see us since we just got stationed cross conntry with the Air Force and its our sons first christmas. I would love to win this for my amazing hubby who does so much for our little family.
We'll be splitting the day Christmas - home in the morning, out in the afternoon, and back home again. We don't have to travel too far - about 40 mins. It used to be all home and I miss that!
We are staying home this Christmas and enjoying the family time with our kids!
We will be staying home at Christmas. I love having our own traditions with our family so my girls will hopefully remember them as they get older.
Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance!
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower of your blog :)
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via Google Reader. Thank you!
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
We'll be home for Christmas...the best place there truly is to be!
We will be home for Christmas. I would love to win this prize. Our Christmas is going to be lean this year because of unemployment. So this would be a great treat! Thanks for the contest.
I signed up to follow you.
I will post a comment on my blog about the contest. www.dealgal.blogspot.com
We are doing a little of both--in town for Christmas, but traveling to my mother-in-law's in the morning, and my mom's in the afternoon, and at home with our family in the evening!
This Christmas I am traveling to my parents, but not too far away! I try to keep the travel at a minimum.
I'm staying at home this year
zachsgran1 at yahoo dot com
I follow
zachsgran1 at yahoo dot com
rss feed subscriber
zachsgran1 at yahoo dot com
We will be staying home and my daughter and son w/his wife will be coming here. We will be celebrating Christmas w/him on a different day since he must work on Christmas.
Staying home for Christmas.
RSS subscriber
We are staying at home this Christmas
tmc480 at yahoo dot com
tmc480 at yahoo dot com
Staying home in our first home with our first child!
Staying Home..and I am SO happy about that! :)
anne molino at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog
I subscribe
This giveaway is now closed. Please come back on Tuesday December 1, 2009 for my next stocking stuffers giveaway!
im staying home for christmas
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