So here is another e-mail-able item: adorable printable valentines from Delight Designs. The valentines shown above come eight to a page, which the seller recommends printing on bright white card stock. The valentines can then easily be cut apart on the red borders. I can see so many uses for these: valentines for your children to take to school for their classmates, or valentines to brighten up your co-workers' day. Or if you pack your children's school lunches, I'm sure they'd love it if you tuck one of these into their lunch bag each day for the week leading up to Valentine's Day.
Delight Designs also offers a nice service in which you get a custom-designed valentine that incorporates a photo of your choice. You'll then get back an electronic file of your wallet-sized Valentine, which you can print yourself, or which you can upload to Walgreens or another photo service for printing on glossy photo paper. I've used Walgreens for photo printing for a few years now and I've been very happy with their service. (Walgreens also frequently e-mails me coupons for a free 8x10, or 25 free photos with a purchase of 25 more, etc.) In any case, I think a custom photo valentine would be perfect for sending to grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, or cousins.
What: Printable Valentines via PDF file
Where: Delight Designs (an Etsy shop)
How much (as of today's post): $3.95 (no shipping cost!)
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